terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012

Aplicativo Android Learn English


Aplicativo Android Learn English/ Aprender Ingles

Pessoal aqui vai um dica primordial para o aprendizado de inglês. Essa semana nos foi indicado um aplicativo que gera uma palavra nova todo dia, para que vocês possam treinar o ingles.

Baixem o aplicativo no seu celular que vale a pena.

Segue o link


quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

It and There

Usando IT

"It" is used to identify something or someone.
"Who is it?" - It's me.
"What is it?" - It's a cat.

"It" is also used to talk about the weather, about time, and about distance.

Talking about weather "What's it like outside?" It's sunny.
Talking about time "What time is it?" It's two o'clock.
Talking about distances "How far is it to Banff?" It's 900 kilometers?

Usando There

"There" is used to say that something exists in a particular place.

Singular There is a party tonight.
Plural There are lots of people at the party.
Singular question Is there a party tonight?
Plural question Are there many people at the party?

sexta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2010

Comparativos e Superlativos

Comparativos e Superlativos sao uma forma especial de adjetivos. Sao usados para comparar coisas. Comparativos normalmente sao formados por -er e os superlativos -est.
Isso depende da quantidade de silabas da palavra.

Uma silaba terminada em E

Examples: wide, fine, cute
Add -R: wider, finer, cuter
Add -ST: widest, finest, cutest

Uma silaba terminada em uma vogal e uma consoante
Examples: hot, big, fat
Double the consonant, and add -ER: hotter, bigger, fatter
Double the consonant, and add -EST: hottest, biggest, fattest

Uma silaba, com mais de uma vogal ou mais de uma consoante no final
Examples: light, neat, fast
Add -ER: lighter, neater, faster
Add -EST: lightest, neatest, fastest

Duas silabas terminadas em Y
Examples: happy, silly, lonely
Change Y to I, then add -ER: happier, sillier, lonelier
Change Y to I, then add -EST: happiest, silliest, loneliest

Duas silabas ou mais, nao terminadas em Y
Examples: modern, interesting, beautiful
Use MORE before the adjective: more modern, more interesting, more beautiful
Use MOST before the adjective: most modern, most interesting, most beautiful

quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

Plural of Nouns (Exercises)

The plural of "way" is
1. ? waies
2. ? wayes
3. ? wayses
4. ? ways
The plural of "box" is
1. ? boxs
2. ? boxies
3. ? box
4. ? boxes
The plural of "key" is
1. ? keys
2. ? keyies
3. ? keies
4. ? keyes
The plural of "loss" is
1. ? loss
2. ? lossies
3. ? losses
4. ? lossys
The plural of "enemy" is
1. ? enemys
2. ? enemies
3. ? enemyes
4. ? enemes
The plural of "church" is
1. ? churchs
2. ? churchies
3. ? churches
4. ? churies
The plural of "show" is
1. ? showes
2. ? showies
3. ? showers
4. ? shows
The plural of "baby" is
1. ? babys
2. ? babies
3. ? babyes
4. ? babyses
The plural of "wish" is
1. ? wish
2. ? wishies
3. ? wishs
4. ? wishes
The plural of "line" is
1. ? lines
2. ? linies
3. ? lins
4. ? linses

sexta-feira, 16 de julho de 2010

Adjectives and Adverbs (Adjetivos e Advérbios)

Adjetivos descrevem nomes enquanto adverbios descrevem verbos

Vejam os exemplos abaixo

beautiful Sun is beautiful.
warm The room is warm.
slow The car is slow.

warmly Joe smiles warmly.
beautifully Sun sings beautifully.
slowly Ann drives slowly.

quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010

Treinar Dialogos

Pessoal vou postar algumas perguntas e respostas para treinarmos dialogos, comentem e se tiver algo de errado corrijam a idéia é voces aprenderem...
Respondam as perguntas nos comentarios

Hi, i want speak english now, and you ? Do you want speak english ?

I need to eat meet with my parents, and you ? Do you need to eat meat with your parents ?

You want cheese and ham in the breakfast ?

Conjunçoes Subordinativas

Temporais ...